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Falcon GT sails down the Hudson River en route to New York
Where she will continue on to Australia via South Africa
Filmed by Brendan Oct. 08

Taking off the Mast ready to sail down the Erie Canals to New York
Filmed by Doug Sandrin Oct. 7/08

"Open Boat" Day Bronte Harbour
Family and Friends come to see the final product of six years in the making.
Filmed by Audrey S Oct. 4/08

Falcon GT Lake Ontario--John G and Doug S. prepare to sail
Filmed by Audrey & Doug S. Aug. '08
Music "Sail Away" by Enya
Theme from "The Amazing Race" t.v. show

Last Launch at Bronte Harbour Ontario Before Sailing to Australia
Filmed by Doug S September 8/08

Cleaning and Painting the bottom of the boat
Filmed by Brendan Oct. 08

Falcon GT under construction
Filmed by Doug S. summer of 2007

Falcon GT under construction
Filmed by Doug S. summer of 2007