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John at the helm of his boat, Falcon GT
Filmed by Doug S South Atlantic Jan. '09 heading towards South Africa

Falcon surfs the sea.
Filmed by Doug S South Atlantic Jan. '09 heading towards South Africa

More of John sailing Falcon GT to Australia
Filmed by Doug S. South Atlantic heading Jan. '09 to South Africa

Stu bakes a cake while trying to hang on.Notice the gimbled stove.
The stove is straight to the horizon, the boat is what is really on an angle.
Filmed by Doug S. Dec. 26/09

Falcon Sails the South Atlantic en route to Australia
Filmed by Doug S. Jan. '09 heading towards South Africa

Brendan at the helm, John enjoying the sail.
Filmed by Doug S Jan. 09 South Atlantic heading towards South Africa

Surf on the bow
Filmed by Doug S. Jan. '09 heading towards South Africa

Brendan at the helm while Doug G. and John discuss the sails.
Filmed by Doug S. Jan.5/09 South Atlantic heading towards South Africa

Doug G. and Stu enjoy the ride as John steers through a gale
50 knot winds 30ft. waves.
Filmed by Brendan Dec. 22/08 South Atlantic heading to Cape Town.

Falcon GT encounters a gale in the South Atlantic while en route to Australia
Filmed by Brendan Shadford Dec. 22/08